Trump’s Deal With Queen Elizabeth

I have to say the level of squalid politics exposed by the whole Epstein, Maxwell, Pedophile, Pimp to the global elite, is truly staggering in both scale and toxic filth. No doubt about it, blog readers: OUR GLOBAL LEADERSHIP IS EVIL. We are not only the judgment of God, we are under IRIS DEI, the wrath of God. Whether I am looking at the imminent collapse of China’s Three Gorge Dam, or the ongoing chaos here in CONUS, it is absolutely clear to me that consequences are happening, as the result of the kind of evil that can only be done against Children, and leads to the kind of unrestricted warfare unleashed upon the people. At any rate, watch for yourself the links below.

Bear in mind that Trump has “apparently” negotiated a deal that will save the royal useless wanker, Prince Andrew, with Queen Elizabeth that has cleared hot both the BBC and the Australian version of our feckless, Deep State shill 60 minutes, to engage in unrestricted warfare at Trump’s command. Prince Andrew, who shows why inbred, cretin Royals, are indeed, inbred, cretin royals. By the way, the House of Windsor is GERMAN. Yep, Trump gets a free pass to go after both the RINOS, the ones that have made his life miserable, as well as any Demoncrats he can. The first video runs 27 minutes, and the second one, 12 minutes.



Weimar Republic Portland Style 6-29-20

What a view Doomer Doug has here as the American Empire implodes under this Marxist insurgency. Sieg Heil, or perhaps Sieg Comrade Stalin is more fitting. Yep, I have been ducking since February 24th, and taking some pictures here in this Sodom on the Willamette River.

Here are a few, of the many, many pictures I have taken over the last month or so. Of course, I have to figure out how to transfer all of them from my Samsung Cell Phone, to my Google account, and then to my laptop, and then to my files and yada, yada, yada.

The first picture is “horde” randomly marching around downtown. They aren’t really going any where, nor are they really planning to do anything, since, for them, it is merely the motion. At any rate, all the chaos, damage and anarchy comes later, say between 11pm and 2am. Yep, many is the night/early morning is Doomer Doug seranaded by the sound of Police bullhorns, flashbangs, teargas, firecrackers, that sound more like dynamite to me, exploding as the antifa horde stormtroops all over the place.

The next picture shows a burnt out car from the first day of the mass violence, looting and beatings, May 30th I think. The total damage in Portland is said to be $23 million, of which $4.5 million is physical damage. Several of the stores looted were right around the block from me. Fortunately, I had purchased my new bestie bud, Mr. Mossberg, a 20 gauge, pump shotgun that I plan to use for any attitude adjustment needed in my immediate area by then.

The third picture shows the corner of the Federal Building, at the corner of Salmon and 3rd Ave, that has been defaced. I have many, more. This particular picture is the one that has Built in 1997 in the Administration of William Jefferson Clinton. Further, it has a Thomas Jefferson quote, now smothered under an endless amount of the F word, kill, kill, kill. The quote talks about the boisterous sea of freedom, etc etc. Not for this lot of ignorant, barbarians to be impressed with an ode to free speech.

The final picture shows what the busiest ATM in Oregon looks like after it has been liberated. Again, it is functional now, although from time to time, it is covered up again to presumably protect people who need money from accessing the ATM. Long live the Revolution. I will, from time to time, as I figure out this photo transfer thing, keep you informed of the ongoing collapse of this here social order.

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And life goes on. 2-24-2020

It is always nice to be wanted, which means I actually do read comments, respond to them, ignore them, or throw them in the famous File 13. I have just bought a Lenovo computer, as in like 2 hours ago, and am now joyfully interfacing with Microsoft, Lenovo a Chinese company now at ground zero in Bejing, China, as in virus outbreak China. Ergo, I will comment on the other looming disaster, not that a potential repeat of the 1918 Spanish flu, or the Black Death, isn’t enough. Still, you may find my computer adventure at Office Depot to be about the other shoe dropping. Yep, we are about to get utterly crushed, ground up into tiny pieces, or turned into a slushy cost wise. You need to understand that Doomer Doug caught the tail end of the President’s Day sale, like the 17th. This means I got the no disaster, no factory shutdown, and no workers refusing to show up for work price of $399, along with a quoted price of $49 for an additional 8 MB memory, from 8 to 16. The $399 was the price last week, and today the computer price, it’s a Idea pad L340 series laptop by the way, is $529. Further, the additional 8 MB of memory went from Office Depot doing it for $49, to Lenovo doing it for $131, and finally, the price of the two year warranty last week was two years for $69, and now it is two years for $139. I warned you all to buy anything you need from China back then. Well, now it is too late. The price has gone up. For the math challenged, my computer, 8 additional memory and two year warranty that cost $517 last week, now cost $799. Yep, the memory goes from $49 to $131, and the computer goes from $399 to $517, and the two year warranty goes from $69, although I paid $89 this afternoon, to $139. The ability for China to make, produce, transport and ship computers has been significantly impacted by the virus. Whatever happens medical wise, hijos and hijas,  we are looking at massive price increases. And I got the next to the last Lenovo Laptop, since the only other one they had, besides mine, was also sold last week, and the ONLY ONE OFFICE DEPOT HAS, at least in the downtown Portland store, is a display model. Yep, guys and gals, now you see why Trump is not only going to impale himself on “Peace in our time,” or have his famous economy detonate in his face. And yes indeed, this is NOT, REPEAT NOT, the time for a mass mob visit to India. Sheesh. Other than that, I’m good and now will return to my Lenovo computer which is clearly engaged in a conspiracy with Microsoft to make the sign in, registration process as OBNOXIOUS as they can. Microsoft does stuff like that, which is why I HATE MICROSOFT, even before Bill baby started dabbling in bio warfare.


I have refrained from writing in my blog since January 25th, for two reasons. The first is I have been prepping my ass off in preparation for dealing with a true global pandemic. The second is I have been steeling myself, hardening my soul, and body and spirit to deal with the level of death I see headed my way. It is a done deal in my view. China’s junior Emperor in Training, the Communist barbarian Li, has now entered, myth, saga, history and memory as a war criminal on a par with Mao Tse Dong, who is credited with killing in zone tens of millions, possibly over 125 MILLION of his citizens, victims, stooges or whatever the unfortunate Chinese are called who had the misfortune to live under the tyrant. However, Mao and Stalin will pale into nothingness when compared with the man, this feckless, power mad, control freak Li, who will be, and now is, directly responsible for setting up the conditions that will end up murdering potentially hundreds of millions of innocents, and using a bio weapon to do it. Yep, in Li we have a monster of unprecedented arrogance, ego mania, and the kind of mental derangement of what G.K. Chesterton called the “evil of the bland,” or the little men who in the kind of non passionate ideology end up murdering more than a psycho like Beria, or Himmler will, in that calm, methodical way they have. So, here is my take today, February 15th, 2020.

I said in my posts over at

that I felt I needed to wait for Valentine’s Day to get a clearer sense of exactly what are now facing, which is nothing less, in my view, of a repeat of the 1918 so called Spanish Flu. Having done so, I am now going to do the best I can to help you deal with it. First, if you can’t shelter in place for one to three months, you are dead. If you can’t defend yourself with guns and ammo, you are dead. If you can’t eat for three months, or drink water for three months, you are dead, and if you can’t give any of the many thugs who will smash your door in, and steal your supplies, or rape your child, YOU ARE DEAD. If you can’t give them a shotgun suppository, it is a medical term by the way, YOU ARE DEAD.

If you have believe, or still believe, the lying, vile scum leadership in China, or the WHO, or even the CDC, YOU ARE DEAD. If you haven’t been prepping your ass off, like Doomer Doug has, the last two to three weeks, YOU ARE DEAD.

Point One: All data coming from the Communist barbarians in China is, and has been, and will continue to be lies. If you believe any of it, you will die. So, you multiply whatever the particular fantasy number the scum in Bejing is spewing for each day by a minimum factor of TEN, and possibly by 100, and maybe even 1,000. Okay, maybe not 1000. Still, the current 1500 dead, is 15,000, and quite easily 150,000 dead. The infected, in China alone, would be 1.5 million at least. Now, I refuse to wrangle with anybody about my numbers. Believe me and live, or not and die: it makes no difference to me. I am becoming a hard man, as I turn 66, and I make no apology  for it. I have never been in combat, although I did serve in the US Army back in the 1970’s. I found that in combat, or a situation like we are in now, which is a bio weapon has been released and we are all under threat, you do what you need to live, and then you, assuming you survive, don’t dwell on it, and move on with your life.

China, well Junior Emperor Li trainee doesn’t matter anymore, neither does how the bio weapon got released, or all the incompetence and corruption involved in any of that level of TRUE EVIL. Yep, we got the stomp on us, and that is all there is to it. So, you follow the famous British World War Two motto: “We shall muddle through.” Of course, the other British Motto, the SAS one: Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance,” is a good second choice. We now are in a global pandemic, whatever the whore classes, the politicians, the media, the medical types say. On January 25th, I could avoid saying that, but not today. I tell you all, with steel in my heart and fire in my belly, you better cover your ass or pay the final, ultimate price.

Here is the first link that tells me Africa is about to explode into chaos and anarchy as the virus spreads into country after country, each of them, like South Africa, or the Congo, or Egypt, with its own separate health crisis independent of the CHINA PLAGUE.

Gang, it took a while, but Africa is now in play, disease wise. You might of missed it, with only 338 pages to wander through:ld:, but back on page 330, post 13,178 I told you all that the first CONFIRMED case in Africa was in Egypt, Cairo if I am not mistaken, so the report of the CONFIRMED CASE IN SOUTH AFRICA, IE SWAZILAND, IS REALLY THE 2ND CASE OF CONFIRMED VIRUS IN AFRICA.


We all said that it was strange to not have any confirmed cases in Africa, South America etc, and the general consensus was to just wait, go count all our piles of ammo, and chill out till Africa started exploding in virus cases. And guess what, we now have TWO separate, confirmed virus cases, with each one of them in a separate part of Africa, like Egypt in the far north, and South Africa/Swaziland in the south of Africa.

In the 72 hours or so around Valentine’s Day we have seen MULTIPLE cases of CONFIRMED, no bs like the Deleware report, in Africa, in Hawaii, in London etc. Face it, the powers that be know it is global pandemic time and are doing the how much info do I release to warn people, but without having them urinate in their pants.

I nailed it for this weekend and despite some smirking here, uber doomer, Doomer Doug has doomed on spot on. :eleph:

Yep that is correct my fellow doomers. This Valentine’s Day saw CONFIRMATION of infected people in London, Africa, Hawaii and who knows where else we DON’T KNOW ABOUT YET. It is game over. Global Pandemic in motion. PREPARE. PREPARE. PREPARE.:sheep:

Here are several links from Natural News telling me just how bad this global pandemic will be.

Even more information showing the dam is burst and the China Plague information is now pouring out unchecked, and nobody even bothers to take the Chinese War Criminal data seriously now.

Official (rigged) Coronavirus Count: 67,100 infected, 1,526 dead
Realistic estimates: 200,000+ infected, 20,000+ dead

 US military activates pandemic response plan; China invokes “wartime” response

HERE IS JUST A SHORT LIST OF THE TIDAL WAVE OF CHINESE BARBARIAN COMMUNIST LIES NOW BEING OPENLY EXPOSED IN THE ALTERNATIVE NEWS MEDIA. The whore, fake news media has lost all credibility and is on the verge of imminent collapse as a news source. The Sheeple will ignore all the political stuff, but when people they know start to get infected, and die and they realize the whores in the media and WHO have lied to them AND THEY HAVE DIED FROM THOSE LIES then the Sheeple will be out looking for blood.

Vietnam imposes first mass quarantine outside of China, 10,000 residents on lockdown
Saturday, February 15, 2020 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: coronavirusglobal emergencylockdownmass quarantinenovel coronavirusoutbreakpandemicquarantineVietnamvirus

CDC says Americans need to get prepared because coronavirus could “gain a foothold” in U.S.
Saturday, February 15, 2020 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: CDCCenters for Disease Control and Preventioncoronavirusdiseasegain a footholdglobal emergencyinfectionnovel coronavirusoutbreakpandemicpreparedpreppingStudyvirusWuhanWuhan coronavirus

Chinese factory employees forced to return to work amid widening coronavirus outbreak, then get QUARANTINED
Saturday, February 15, 2020 by: JD Heyes
Tags: ChinaChinese factoriesChinese government quarantineCollapsecoronavirusfactoriesfactory outputglobal economyglobal productionoutbreakpandemicquarantinespreadsupply chainsupply interruptionvirusWuhan

I won’t add them here, but I have links about the infected woman who ran around London, England in a Uber car share, or the infected man who ran around several islands in Hawaii, before FLYING BACK TO JAPAN. Yep, the global pandemic is here now. Prepare as best as you can, and as FAST AS YOU CAN. The Sheeple are in moooootion, and the Sheeple are moooooving.

I will also add that here in CONUS the highest kill zones, hence my term Killed in Zone, will the Marxist Democrat run cities, with their filth, large homeless populations, and the general chaos that passes for urban life here in the USA. Granted, Doomer Doug lives in downtown Portland, so I will likely die with the whole, filthy, foul smelling, foul mouthed, brain dysfuntional lot of them. Well, that is why God made shotguns, now isn’t it?





I find two things amazing as I lurch into 2020, watching in astonishment as events that would have been life altering, life changing, system shattering moments of chaos, merely bounce off into the ether, to be replaced by another event a previous generation would have been in crisis over. For us, Iran shooting missiles at our Iraqi bases, or the impeachment farce, which is a coup d’etat posing as an impeachment are now in the rear view mirror. And now we have, what I call the other ELE, extinction level event, with the first being Fukushima, and the second one being our very own global pandemic.

Fukushima having become background noise, we slowly expose our entire planet to toxic radiation, but with a global pandemic, oh we just kill ourselves off faster with that one. I will merely point out some obvious things, at least to me, about this viral pandemic we now face in all its viral glory. We know for instance that it really began on December 1st of 2019. Since we now this, we are certain that it has now completed several entire infection and exposure cycles lasting nearly six weeks now. Further, we know the local Chinese authorities knew all about this fact, covered it up, lied to everybody about the true scope and nature of the events involved.  The local knuckleheads did this out of fear, and the terror invoked by the kind of Communist Barbarian society they live in. They really didn’t want to tell their Emperor for Life that, in a scenario out of some Hollyweird movie, they sold the infected pigs off for a few yuan on the side, and started a process that will now doom many of us to death.

As hard as it for us here in the USA to believe, Emperor for Life Li didn’t realize what was happening down in Wuhan till a couple of days ago. He certainly didn’t know the disease infection cycle was ongoing, at least until he listened to the SARS expert who told him. Nor did Emperor for Life understand just how badly his Wuhan locals had messed up and created a global pandemic complete with unrestricted exposure, and literally tens of millions of Chinese in motion for the national festival. Further, he was faced with the bleak choice of brazenly lying about everything, which is SOP for any Chinese government, or doing the usual spin control, or, as he chose to do, a mix of “don’t worry, be happy,” and SEND IN THE FREAKING BULLDOZERS YOU MORONS.” Sometimes, gang it just doesn’t pay to be Emperor for Life.









The Great Washington, DC Chainsaw Massacre. 1-23-2020

Truly, the year of our Lord 2020 is coming out of the starting gate like a horse gone mad. However, I will concentrate on the ongoing farce known as the “Impeachment hearings,” although they are really just an ongoing coup d e’tat against our POTUS and represent the final collapse of the Marxist Democratic Party into Treason, Sedition, and clinical insanity. I tell people that in my view God, or the universe, or whatever, has a brutal sense of humor. This fact was confirmed for me as I set down to watch a Marxist Democrat Moron, aptly named Jason Crow, begin spewing all the crow the Marxist Democrats will need to eat when the vote is finally taken, and their acts of both Treason and Sedition crash and burn. At any rate, it is also clear the Democrats never heard of the 7 P’s, because if they did, the actual process wouldn’t have become the raving lunacy it has turned into. I wonder if the Marxist Democrats true plan was to bore people to death?

The seven P’s, of which we domestic terrorist, preparing types have a special affinity for, come from Britain’s SAS, ie their version of Special Forces. They stand for PROPER PLANNING AND PREPARATION PREVENTS PISS POOR PERFORMANCE.

Clearly, the Senate hearings were planned by Democrats who never heard of the 7 P’s at all. This ongoing coup attempt, not even slightly masked by the tidal wave of drivel spewing from the four stooges speeches, ie the crow I mentioned above, will soon impale itself on what I can only call the Marxist Democrat version of the 7 P’s. The Democrat version of the 7P’s is the 7D’s. I will speak plainly to my blog readers here. What I am now seeing,  besides all the other stuff, Iran, and the possible global pandemic, comes down the acts of both TREASON AND SEDITION by the other political party, the Marxist Democrats. In my opinion these acts come from people who aren’t Americans anymore. It is clear to me the near future of the USA is either Civil War Two, or mass indictments, trials and prison terms for the ENTIRE ruling class of the TRAITORS AND FOOLS now posing as the senior Democrat Party leadership: Pelosi, Schumer, Crow, Nadler, and Mr. Pencil Head himself, Adam Schiff. Yep, they are all going down for TREASON, or we will either have Civil War Two, or mass partition of the 50 states.

Finally, well the 7D’s go something like this, and are a good fit with the 7P’s. If you don’t do the 7P’s, then you end up doing the 7D’s.

So, without further fanfare, Doomer Doug gives not only my wordpress blog readers, but assuming Steve posts it, a wider audience that will appreciate my increasing lunacy, although these days it is hard to tell the difference. At any rate, since the Marxist Democrats really are traitors and clowns they deserve the following.

The Seven D’s stand for: The 4 Stooges, and all the other Marxist Democrat Traitors and Seditionists supporting the overthrow our current POTUS, will soon

DEBARK into a DARK, DANK, DREARY, DISMAL, DEPRESSING, DECAYING DUNGEON, where they will spend the rest of their miserable lives pondering their crimes.  

I would suggest, in honor of the 7P’s Britain has blessed this essay with, that the Marxist Democrats be sent to the Tower of London, but I understand the cells are being prepared for Harry and the modern version of either Mary Queen of Scots, or that Ann that Henry the 8th had whacked. Perhaps Gitmo will have room for them?

For those of you interested, I have three e books for sale on Amazon. The links are below. One of them, Ezekiel’s Islamic Confederacy, I wrote some 25 years ago, and in the light of recent events with Iran, make for an interesting read. The other two are science fiction, one, aptly enough, Day of the Dogs, about a solar flare, EMP type of event that has us all acting more crazy than normal. The final one, Strike Destroyer is Space Opera at its finest, especially the deranged teen aged Prince. Hmm, that didn’t go well.



Virginia Heads Towards Civil War Part Two 12-23-2019

Given the level of rhetoric now coming out of Virginia, it is inevitable that push will come to shove. We may have until the Pelosi impeachment circus starts again on January 6th or so, but we may not  either. Finally, well the Marxist Democrats seem to have developed a real knack for shooting their mouths off, and assuming Patriots will just sit there and take it. I will remind them of the Jackie Gleason comedy show in the 1950’s where he would end up shouting, “One of these days, Alice,” and so we find ourselves in the same situation here. In the case of both the Virginia AG and Governor, it looks like their mouths are stuck on stupid with predictable results.

I will also remind the “Trump has been impeached crowd,” that he has not. Further, since the US House has to physically deliver the articles of impeachment to the US Senate, which they have not done, and a US Federal Court just voided the second article, Trump is enjoying Christmas just fine, my dear blog readers. Besides, all the excitement has been pushed into January 2020. Pelosi, and go figure this out, has even invited our “impeached POTUS,” to give the State of the Union speech on January 20th. Only, how can POTUS do that if he has been impeached. I mean, to quote Forest Gump, “stupid is as stupid does,” or whatever.

I wish the two Marxist Morons now leading Virginia would take to heart my words below. They are playing with forces, that once unleashed can’t be stuffed back into the toothpaste tube. Such as our reckless and dangerous political games now being played by our Marxist Democrat Morons allow, I wish you all a Merry Christmas. Now as to a Happy New Year for 2020, well the jury is still out on that one.

The Volunteer military has had the direct impact many of my NCO’s and Officers told me it would way, way back in 1973 and so. They said it was created to form Imperial Legion type troops, answerable to political authority, not the citizens or the US Constitution. Further, they said that eventually it was designed to create a society where the majority, the VAST majority of the American people, males, since they didn’t see the whole women thing back then, had no military experience, never were in the military and didn’t have a clue about military culture. And so it has now happened. I watched the NG Virginia commander waffling and bsing and it was pure globalist bs. I have long said the command structure of the military is globalist to the core. And that NG speech tells me that NG commander will obey the Marxist governor, and many of his troops will also obey. The key thing is the military will split one third pro globalist, one third Patriot and Constitution, and one third, get my ass out of uniform and back home ASAP. And that, friends is not enough for Darth Vader junior to impose a dictatorship, or disarm Virginia and its armed militia. Now, because NONE of the entire Marxist Democrat political leadership has any military experience AT ALL, they don’t have a clue what will REALLY HAPPEN when some armed militia, or some NG traitors pull up to the Governor’s roadblock. THEY WILL START SHOOTING PRETTY FAST, EITHER THE VIRGINIA NG OR THE ARMED MILITIA. The Democrats just can’t wrap their heads around the idea the the militia types not only won’t give up their personal weapons, but will resist with violence any attempts to disarm them.

And coming to a roadblock in Virginia sooner rather than later, governor Marxist moron and his AG stooge are going to find that out.

Civil War Two Has Now Begun in Virginia 12-12-2019

With the open threats by Virginia’s current Marxist Moron, ie Governor Northam to “deploy” Virginia National Guard troops to “enforce” his totalitarian “gun grab,” we are now at game on status, and I consider Civil War Two to have now officially begun. After all, amigos, and amigoettes, it was the British attempt to seize the “arms” of the militia that triggered Revolution number one, and it will be, in my opinion, the open deployment of active duty military troops by this Marxist TRAITOR, which is a pretty good description of the entire Democratic Party at this point, that will trigger either Civil War Two, or American Revolution number two, you rolls the dice, and you takes your chances. At any rate, decisions have already been made, and I can assure the threats to nuke gun owners were not meant in jest, and these people are vile, evil and Marxist filth accepting of all methods used by Marxists historically, which means shooting, hanging “dissidents,” in vast numbers.


The link is here. I am surprised Youtube hasn’t pulled it down yet.

Insider Source Resurfaces to Update the Threat Assessment to the American People

Trump Allows Military Massacres to Happen Again 12-8-2019

I should warn any Trumpbots about to read this post they should sit down and take a deep breath or two. Trump, or Donald the Mouth, as I am starting to call him, has yet again, and how many flip flops, campaign statements ignored, etc etc is our POTUS up to by now. One of the ones I particularly remember was Trump’s trashing Obama, correctly, for allowing our bases to be “gun free zones,” with predictable results. And so here we are with several people dead, Pearl Harbor and Pensacola security breached, and Trump making even more excuses for allowing a brutal massacre like Obama did.

Oh how we howled like wolves when in 2009 Major Hasan went into Fort Hood and shot dead 13 military people. And Obama got the blame for that one big time. So here we are some TEN YEARS LATER and the same damn thing just happened, not once but twice, it happened on Trump’s watch, and he gets it, smack in the nose. I tell the Trump bots to quit making excuses for this New York City LIBERAL. I hope you all have figured out that the armed militia is going to be mobilizing, likely in Virginia first, and it is likely we have, at best between one year, till November 2020, and eighteen months, July of 2020, before Civil War Two breaks out and we are shooting each other. Trump, well Trump ain’t much at this point, but he is the best we got, especially when compared with the collection of mental ward escapees, certified raving lunatics, Marxist fools, Soros funded race baiting, bigoted, Jew hating knuckleheads that are what the once great party of JFK, is reduced to  running for POTUS against Trump next November. At any rate, this blood is on Trump, and besides sucking up to the terrorist state called Saudi Arabia Trump is going to trigger the Marxist Morons into a great big spasm of mindless violence. As for Doomer Doug, well Doomer Doug is arming up, getting lean and mean, such as a 66 year old Vietnam Era soldier can get, and getting right with God, guns and ammo. Prepare as best you can, but don’t expect Trump to save you, or have much hope at all. For I tell you, hope has left America and will not return I think. Still, let each of us prepare for death as best we can.

The link is here.

Hawkins: Gun-Free Military Installations Make U.S. Troops Sitting Ducks

The December 6, 2019, Naval Air Station Pensacola attack reminded us once more that gun-free policies on military installations make U.S. troops sitting ducks.

Breitbart News reported that a gunman opened fire Friday morning in Pensacola, killing three innocents and causing numerous others to be transported to the hospital for injuries.

The Associated Press reported that the Pensacola gunman was an aviation student from Saudi Arabia, and NBC News reported that the gunman’s name was Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani.

He used a handgun to carry out his attack.

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Pertinent to news of this horrific firearm-based attack is the fact that Naval Air Station Pensacola is a gun-free zone.

Breitbart News reported the air station’s gun-free status shortly after the attack. The station’s firearm policy, as described by Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic, notes:

While federal and state laws differ widely on the subject, regulations pertaining to the registration, transportation, and storage of firearms on Naval Installations in the Mid-Atlantic area of responsibility are clear. According to the instruction, all hands share responsibility for adhering to regulations pertaining to the registration, transportation, and storage of firearms in the AOR.

The policy also points out that “state issued ‘concealed weapons permits’ are not recognized on any Navy installation.”

The firearm policy allows guns to be brought on base after obtaining approval from a commanding officer but notes that such firearms “may only be stored in the installation’s armory.” Moreover, during transport onto the installation, all firearms are to be “unloaded and secured with a trigger lock and ammunition must be carried in the farthest most possible location away from the firearm.”

In other words, men and women who have signed up for years of service to use advanced weaponry–including fully automatic weapons, guided missiles, drones with precision striking capability, and numerous other mechanisms–are forbidden from carrying a handgun on the station for self-defense.

Again, we are not talking about a fully automatic M4, an MP5, or other machine gun or submachine gun. Rather, we are talking about a 9mm handgun for self-defense. They are prohibited from carrying it even if they have a concealed carry permit on top of their military credentials.

The result is that no one can shoot back when an attacker pulls a handgun and begins shooting.

We saw the same thing at Fort Hood on November 5, 2009. In that attack, 13 innocents were killed in a firearm-based attack on a military gun-free zone.

We saw it again at Fort Hood on April 2, 2014. In that attack, three innocents were killed in a firearm-based attack on a military gun-free zone.

We saw it on September 16, 2013. In that attack, 12 innocents were killed in a firearm-based attack on D.C.’s Navy Yard.

As with the Fort Hood attacks, the horrific D.C. Navy Yard attack showed that if an attacker could succeed in sneaking his gun onto the premises, he was going to enjoy a period of time where he could shoot and no one could shoot back.

Sadly, we saw such an attack again on July 16, 2015, when a gunman targeted military offices in Chattanooga, Tennessee, killing five innocents. CNN reported that the Chattanooga gunman killed four marines and one sailor.

There are other examples that could be cited, but the point is sufficiently made–gun-free military bases create a problem.

We should be praising our men and women in uniform for their commitment to trade years of private life for the public cause of defending liberty. Instead, we stick them on military bases where they are defenseless if the individual next to them pulls a gun and starts to attack.

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at Sign up to get Down Range at


Preparing for Civil War Two: Good Advice On Fortifying Your Villa 12-7-2019

It is a sign of how totally corrupt the USA now is, and how pathetic our military truly is, we can’t even prevent a direct attack on Pearl Harbor 79 years after the last one. It is also true that we all howled like wolves when our traitor in chief Obama let the Muslim terrorist Major Hasan shoot up Fort Hood in Texas, because he had disarmed the soldiers and created “gun free zones,” at our military bases. And yet, here we are again, at both Pearl Harbor and Pensacola, with disarmed soldiers being slaughtered. Of course, the usual crowd of Trump supporters, the same ones who trashed Obama for disarming the troops, don’t say a peep about how Trump failed to let them be armed. I mean, Marxist Democratic BS to the left of me, and Trump drivel to the right of me, and AG Barr, the clown, breathlessly announcing he will “indict” 8 government criminals. Well, gang, the IG report doesn’t even cover McCabe, or Brennan, or Comey or Mueller, so we get another layer of BS.

In the context of the above, a strong desire to retreat to your fortified villa, lay down a minefield, and set up some 50 caliber machine guns on auto sweep and shoot, is understandable. And if any of you have the moola to do that, here is some great advice from somebody who knows what they are doing. Beware of Zombies!

5 Bad-ass Perimeter Defense Lessons From A Vietnam Vet

Thank God you made it to your rural bug out location (BOL)! You almost didn’t get out in time before the Police State Metropolis you lived in had their National Guard soldiers shut down all further mass exodus from the quarantined city, with shoot to kill Iraqi War style road blocks on the last exits that weren’t already blocked by panicked mobs and burning piled up car crashes.

You get out of your bug out vehicle (BOV) and kneel down for a moment on the cool green forest ground in a soon to get very hot world, and give solemn thanks that you were granted the presence of mind and discipline to have your BOV ready to rock at a moment’s notice.

You will miss a few of the friends and neighbors you know you’ll never see again, and you’ll feel sorry for those who were trapped in their normalcy bias comfort zone and ignored the ominous but clear warnings. You will pray for them the first chance you get but right now you have another serious problem.

Beware of “Zombiez”!