Hunter Biden, the cretin son of our brain dead Prez was being discussed on Meagan Kelly today. It seems he refused to give a Christmas stocking to Hunter’s illigentimate daughter for Christmas. As Father’s Day rolls around it seems, among their other faults, the twin Biden’s don’t know the difference between a MAN who is a sperm donor and a Father, or Dad

A Sperm Donor breeds a child bioloically; and a Father raises them, LOVES THEM, and turns them into productive members of society. The Biden males are DISMAL FAILURES as men, as FATHERS, just as they are in all other aspects of their lives and careers.

Jesus said “Woe to them that causes children distress, for it would be better for them to be tied to a pair of cement boots and tossed into the ocean.” Apparently Jesus believed in the death penalty for child abusers. This is something for Joe and Hunter to ponder as they come into range of God’s Wrath. In fact it is something for all of us to ponder as we do likewise.

I have written books, some have even read them., but I see now as I turn 70, and am diagnosed with diabetes 2 that what a man, any man is truly judged on at the bema seat is how good a Father, husband, he is and whether he is a functional human being. Other than giving away several thousand bibles over the decades I have no children or wife to show ., and these are what a real man is judged for.

I have learned that the hard way, over the decades, like Solomon I have phased stupid and smart in cycles .

We shall see how it all turns out. I know the Bibles and my book on Ezekiel’s Islamic Confederacy will be my eternal legacy. Best I can due as a damaged an flawed man.

They really do intend to kill us all., but it no longer bothers me.